Block Unwanted Calls and Unknown Numbers

Are you receiving daily calls from anonymous or unknown numbers? Don’t worry about trying to keep track of blocking numbers on all of your connected devices. You can easily view and manage blocked numbers through the Sonar portal. Navigate to the Answering Rules section to block and unblock specific numbers and/or all unknown numbers.

Call Blocking Notes 

What happens if a blocked number calls you? They will get a busy signal and be unable to leave you a voicemail. 

If you are in Canada, you can register your number to the National Do Not Call List (DNCL). Regardless of whether you are registered with the (DNCL), you may still receive calls from political parties or surveys. You can block these calls if they are disrupting your workday.


How to Block a Specific Number or All Unknown Numbers

Office managers and call center supervisors must be in My Account to access their Answering Rules.

  1. Click the Answering Rules tab on your Sonar portal.
  2. Click the Block button on the right side.
  1. In the text box, enter a 10-digit number with no spaces, brackets, or dashes.
  2. Click the plus button to add the number to your block list.
  3. (Optional) Check the box next to Block anonymous or unknown. 
  4. Click the Done button to save.

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