Record Your Name For Auto Attendant Directory

If your company has an auto attendant directory, you need to record your name. Auto attendant directories give callers an option to search for employees by their last name. Auto attendants are smart for your business as they save money, appear professional, help you avoid missed or misdirected calls, and provide a consistent experience for your clients.

Pro Tip! 

Test your company directory name by calling into your business line and following your auto attendant!


How To Record Your Name for your Company Directory 

Office managers and call center supervisors must be in My Account to access the Messages tab.

  1. Click on the Messages tab in your Sonar portal.
  2. Click on the Settings subtab.
  3. Under the Greetings section, click the speaker icon next to Recorded Name. 
  4. Select Record. 
  5. Enter the number or extension you want to record your name on. If you are entering a number, it must be 10 digits with no spaces, dashes, or bracket 
  6. Click the Call button and follow the voice prompts.
    • Record your message after the beep.
    • Hit # to accept your new greeting.
  7. Click the Done button to save.

How to Use Text-To-Speech for your Company Directory 

  1. Click on the Messages tab in your Sonar portal.
  2. Click on the Settings tab.
  3. Under the Greetings section, click the speaker icon next to "Recorded Name."
  4. Click the radio button for Text-to-Speech.
  5. Enter your message, choose English or French, and your preferred voice. You can click the play button beside the Voice drop-down menu to hear the message.
  6. Click Save.

Rather watch a walkthrough? Check out this video! 


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