Voicemail Messages

Sonar Voicemail Messages: Complete Guide

Create a New Voicemail Greeting Creating a personal business voicemail greeting o...

Voicemail-to-Email in Sonar

Voicemail-to-email allows you to receive your incoming voicemail message through ...

Record Your Name For Auto Attendant Directory

If your company has an auto attendant directory, you need to record your name. Au...

Enable Email Notifications For Missed Calls

Are you worried about forgetting missed calls? Enable email notifications!  If yo...

Access your Voicemail Inbox from Additional Devices

Planning to be out of the office?  Consider switching to Unified Messaging, i.e.,...

Sonar SMS Messages

You can receive SMS messages individually, or they can be routed through a call q...

Sonar Chat Internal Messaging

Sonar Chat allows you to send instant messages to internal contacts within the So...

Voicemail Message Transcription

Voicemail transcriptions are provided for your convenience. The clarity and langu...

Send Calls to Voicemail with a Do-Not-Disturb Answering Rule

The Do Not Disturb (DND) feature automatically sends all incoming calls to voicem...

Leave a Voicemail or Press Zero for Operator Forward

Operator Forward allows callers to transfer their call to a designated destinatio...

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