Operator Forward allows callers to transfer their call to a designated destination—such as a call queue, auto-attendant, extension, or external number in a 10-digit format—by pressing 0 during your voicemail greeting.
Inform Callers About Operator Forward
There is no automated message informing callers Operator Forward is enabled; therefore, you must include this information in your personal voicemail greeting.
To ensure callers are aware of Operator Forwarding, include a custom voicemail greeting, such as:
You’ve reached [Your Name/Business]. If you would like to leave a voicemail, please do so after the tone. To reach [another department or extension], please press 0.
Call Flow with Operator Forward
Every call flow must have a final destination to avoid automated forwarding loops.
- The caller dials an extension number.
- They hear the called party's voicemail greeting (which should announce the "press 0" option).
- If the caller presses 0, the call is transferred to the preconfigured destination.
- If the caller does not press 0, they are prompted to leave a voicemail.
Configuring Operator Forward in Sonar
Office Managers and Call Center Supervisors must be in My Account to access their personal voicemail settings. To configure Operator Forward for a user, you can navigate to the user's voicemail settings within the Users tab of Manage Organization.
- Log in to the Sonar Client Portal.
- Click the Messages tab.
- Click the Settings subtab.
- Configure the Operator Forward Destination to route calls to one of the following:
- A specific call queue
- An auto attendant menu
- A different extension
- An external number (must be in 10-digit format)
- Click Save.