Understanding Office Manager Sonar Access

As an office manager, you can view, change, and create various functionalities for yourself and your company. This guide provides an overview of the three main views in Sonar and explains the features available in each. 

  • Manage Organization
  • My Account
  • Account Preferences

Sonar Office Manage Access Summary 

Upon login, you will land on Manage Organization.

You must be in Manage Organization to access Account Preferences.

Account Preferences requires you to reauthenticate your Office Manager credentials before accessing sensitive payment and billing information. 

You must be in Manage Organization to access My Account

You must be in My Account to access your profile information and personal call configurations, i.e.,  your “Basic User” tabs. 

You can access the webphone “Sonar Phone” and the web UI “Attendant Console” from both Manage Organization and My Account, but not Account Preferences


Manage Organization

Within the “Manage Organization” view, you will have access to the following tabs:


Frequently accessed information such as all active calls, call graphs, and some statistics, such as the number of currently active calls, users, connected devices, and more.

Call Center 

Find your company's call queues and key call center information such as: the number of active calls, callers waiting, wait time, and idle agents. Office managers can configure the agents in each queue, as well as the queue itself.


When Hide System Users is unchecked, you will find a list of all users, including system users. System users are extension numbers for auto attendants, call queues, ring groups, etc. The default on the first login checks Hide System Users—if you want to see them in your list of users, ensure you uncheck this box.

Auto Attendants

If your organization has an auto attendant—or multiple auto-attendants—you can edit them in this section.

Call Queues

Call queues are sometimes called “ring groups” for inbound call centers. Any call queues configured to an organization will be listed here. Call queues can also be listed in the Users section since they have extensions associated with them. Call queue extension numbers are generally four digits, beginning with an 8 or 9. In this section, you can edit the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD), call agents, and music-on-hold.

Time Frames

Time frames are necessary for any answering rules you have created—together, they allow you to choose what happens based on a day of the week, a specific date, or a time range.  You can create, search, and edit time frames in this section.

Music On Hold

net2phone Canada provides default hold music. In this section, you can configure optional introductory greetings and upload a custom song or sound files in .mp3 or .wav formats.

Phone Numbers 

This section lists all phone numbers within your organization. For each phone number listed, its treatments, destinations, and any notes will display. You can export a .csv file of phone numbers can by clicking the Export button.

Call History

This section displays every inbound, outbound, and missed call made to or from an organization. You can export a  .csv file of call histories by clicking the Export or Export Billed Calls button.

My Account

My Account offers Office Managers the same view as Basic Users, so you can configure your personal call settings, rather than the settings for the entire organization.  To access your profile, you must be in My Account


Frequently-accessed information such as new messages, recent call history, your active answering rule, and any active phones display in this section.


The messages section contains your voicemails and your voicemail settings.  You can only view voicemail messages here if voicemails are configured to stay on your net2phone Canada phone/Sonar portal. If voicemails are configured to go to your email, then no messages will be displayed in this section, but you still have access to voicemail settings.


In this section, you can view, filter, and search for your contacts. Contacts are displayed by name, extension number, status (online/offline), and department. You can star contacts and set them as a “Favorites.”

Contact Quick-Access – When not in the Contacts section, you can quickly access your contacts by clicking on the contacts pop-up tab at the bottom right corner of the screen. Additionally, you can bring up your contact list into a new window by clicking on the outward-pointed arrow.

Answering Rules

This section allows you to view, edit, and create answering rules. Answering rules dictate if, where, and when calls are forwarded. You can adjust how many second calls will ring before they timeout and which extension is preferred. This section also allows access to features like net2phone Canada SmartAnswer and net2phone Canada SureAnswer.

Time Frames

Time frames are necessary for any answering rules you have created—together, they allow you to choose what happens based on a day, time, or date.  You can create, search, and edit time frames in this section.


This section displays which phones are connected to your extension. A phone that is properly configured and turned on will have a black checkmark beside it. A phone that is configured but not turned on will have a gray X beside it. Multiple extensions will be listed with a letter beside your extension number (i.e., 200b, 200c) if you have multiple devices. The device configured with no letter (i.e., 200) is considered the primary extension.

Music on Hold

net2phone Canada provides a default hold music. In this section, you can configure optional introductory greetings and upload a song or sound file if it is in .mp3 or .wav format.

Call History

This section displays every inbound, outbound, and missed call made to or from your personal extension. You can export a .csv call history file by clicking the Export button.

Account Preferences 

You must reauthenticate your Office Manager credentials before accessing billing, emergency, and authorized contacts.   

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