Manage Sonar SMS Call Queues

Sonar offers an SMS queue option, so your clients have the option of calling or texting a call queue. 

SMS Call Queue Notes 

Only office managers and call center supervisors can configure SMS for call queues. Learn how to configure SMS for call queues here. 

MMS messages do not work when messaging both internal and external contacts in a group conversation. You must send individual MMS messages to all intended recipients.

A group MMS message can include up to 10 recipients, plus the sender, for a total of 11 participants.

Each MMS message has a size limit of 1 MB.

Sonar must be open for agents to receive messages. 

If agents are using a Chrome browser (which is recommended) they can turn on Chrome notifications for a pop-up. 

SMS queues are always round-robin. 


Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS Requires 10DLC 

10DLC stands for 10 Digit Long Code, which is a channel created by mobile carriers for business-to-consumer SMS use cases.  Learn how 10DLC ensures compliance, improves deliverability, and builds trust with customers, all while being a cost-effective and versatile solution.


How To Configure SMS For Call Queues 

You must be Manage Organization or Manage Call Center to access SMS queue configuration options. 

  1. Navigate to the Call Queue tab.
  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the call queue you want to configure SMS with.
  3. Within the pop-up menu, click the SMS sub-tab. 
  4. Toggle the SMS Enabled to "Yes." From here, you can set the SMS queue options.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the main list, click the agent icon for the call queue you just configured.
  7. Find the agents you want to receive SMS queue messages,
    1. Click the pencil icon next to each name, and, 
    2. set the Max SMS Session between 1 and 5.  
    3. Click Save Agent for each user.

Pro Tips for Managing SMS Call Queues! 

  • If agents are using a Chrome browser (which is recommended), they can turn on Chrome notifications for a pop-up. 
  • You can use the mobile app for SMS
  • MMS messages can only be best to a single number, not a group.
  • Check out SMS through Sonar for information on sending, receiving, and viewing SMS (and MMS) messages. 
  • Hover over the information icon for a description!

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