Essential Home Features for Basic Users in Sonar

The Home section is designed to give you fast access to the most important and frequently viewed information. There are four components of the Home section:

  • New messages
  • Recent call history
  • Active answering rule
  • Active phones

New Voicemail Messages 

Voicemail messages will only display here if you do not have voicemail-to-email enabled. If your voicemails are configured to be sent to your email, this section will always say “No new messages.”

Within the New Voicemail Messages section, you can:

Click the Play icon to listen to your voicemail message recording from the Sonar portal

Click the Phone icon to listen to your voicemail message recording from your desk phone

Click the Right-pointed Arrow icon to forward your message. 

Click the Down-pointed Arrow icon to download your message. 

Click the Floppy Disk icon to save your message. 

Click the Red X to delete your message. 


Recent Call History 

Quickly see your most recent inbound, outbound, and missed calls. Most recent calls are listed at the top.

Active Answering Rule

Easily view which Answering Rule is currently active from the Home tab of your Sonar portal. You can find this section on the right side of the page.

Answering Rule Drop-Down Menu 

To change your active answering rule, click on your current active answering rule and select from any of the preconfigured rules available.

The Time Frame your active answering rule is using will be displayed under the drop-down menu. 


Active Phones

If you have multiple devices connected to your account, you can quickly see which device is currently active in this section.

Identifying User Devices: Extension Numbers with Letters

Within the Sonar portal, user devices are identified by their extension plus an alphabetic letter. 

The letter codes correlate to the following: 

  • Mobile App = 123m
  • Sonar Phone (webphone) = 123wp
  • iPhone Bria = 123i
  • Android Bria = 123a
  • Windows Bria = 123w
  • Mac Bria = 123d
  • MS Teams = 123ms
  • Additional hardphones = 123b, 123c, 123e etc…

Assigned desk phones are considered a user's "main device" and, therefore, do not require an alphabetic representation within the Sonar portal.  

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